Voting Day!

We made it, friends! It's going to be over one way or the other soon enough, and then we can stop tearing each other's throats out.

I'm sure by now you all know who I voted for. 

I'm proud to say I made my own way to the polls, thank you very fucking much Google maps...
I guess I was supposed to fly around the closed road, like a majestic Bald Eagle...

...and because they ran out early, I even had to make my own sticker with this one I've had laying around (for some reason...)

...but dammit, my civic duty is DONE. I hope you do the same. I will now spend the duration of the day listening to riot rock and envisioning a new American Revolution. 



mmesinclair said...

Funny - the main road leading to my polling place was closed, and traffic was redirected (due to construction). It definitely took me longer to figure out how to get to the building than to vote this year! Maybe that's why my polling place still had plenty of stickers...

VEG said...

And America did good!

I'm in the UK at the moment and Europe thanks you. I am drinking some wine for America this weekend until I fall over.